Friday, April 2, 2010

New Month, New Project

Hello everyone.  Wow, hard to believe it is already April, isn't it? Time sure does fly by. I've been busy working on a new baby blanket that I really need to get done, as I just found out the baby shower is the end of this month. I found a new pattern that I am trying, it is called Crinkle Textured Baby Blanket and can be found here.  What I like about it is that it is self-bordering ... pretty neat, huh? Here is my progress so far:
It is hard to see with variegated yarn in the photos, but I tried to take a closer shot in the second photo so you could see the self-bordering edge. I took a little creative license with the pattern and instead of doing the main body portion as SC, Ch 2, SC in the space, I just did SC, Ch 2, then went on to the next space (skipping the last SC). Since this blanket is for a boy, I thought it just worked better. 

I have also been keeping up with Molly the Owl over on What a great story that is.. if you haven't checked it out, go take a look... but I warn you, you may quickly develop MOD (Molly Obsessive Disorder)!!

Hope everyone has a great day.


  1. Hey Miss Sandy----Congratulations!!! You won the drawing in my blog---will you do me a favor and email me with your address so I can get that in the mail for ya!!! Have a wonderful Easter!!! Always, Renee

  2. These are really cool colours for a baby boy! I just love the yarn!
    I hope you do well with it, it looks as though its coming along lovely.
    I'm behind with my reading. Sorry.
    Hugs and Love Suex


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